365 Days of Random

Random musings about nothing at all

Ice and Parking Tickets

So this morning I woke up to a car covered in ice…. and since I had spent most of the weekend at my BF’s place I was required to clean off said ice so I could go home and get ready for work today. Being Canadian, the ice really doesn’t bother me…. although it is much more dangerous than driving or walking in the snow. But, I had (stupidly) left both my coat (it wasn’t cold on Sunday) and my hat and gloves at home (i.e MY house) on Sunday when we went out…. THAT bothers me…. it was freaking cold out!! I had to take a break half way through and get back in the car to warm up.

Anyway, I get into the car, start it, turn the heat and the rear window defrost on, and grab my trust scraper from the back seat. I get out of the car and start cleaning it off – mostly scraping away the ice on the windows cause I figure the rest of it will have melted off the car by 4pm. I get half way around the car and realize – not only is my car covered in ice but I have a parking ticket too… Ugh! Not a fun way to start the morning. Who knew that you can’t park on the street on a HOLIDAY MONDAY!! Shouldn’t that be treated like a Sunday where parking is free and not monitored the entire day???

In all honesty, I should have known better. I did know that it was Monday yesterday, but I was so caught up in my lazy day and not wanting to leave the apartment that I didn’t bother to go check on or move the car…. even when it started to snow, and then the snow turned to freezing rain I KNEW that my car was parked outside, on the street, on a Monday AND that I could move it into his parking garage… sigh… So, my completely rejuvenated relaxed perspective on the week went flying out the window when it took me 20 mins to clean my car, another 20 to get home – cause while the roads weren’t TOO bad they were icy and for once people in DC were being careful about driving in crappy weather – and I have a $35 parking ticket to pay… After all of that I was still only 15 minutes late for work (and I ate breakfast at home and brought lunch, computer, and climbing gear all with me this morning)… so I’d say overall that’s pretty good for how the morning started out.

Some co-workers of mine lost power today and others had horrible commutes in this morning. I haven’t been outside all day and I know it’s been raining on and off. Hopefully the temperature rose and the ice we HAD melted and the rain that came during the day just washed away the crud on the roads. I am going climbing tonight and neither ice nor parking tickets will stop me. Hopefully they won’t stop my climbing partner who’s driving either!! 🙂

January 18, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 2 Comments